The Transformation Rollercoaster

As you look forward to starting your 10 day transformation, understanding your first three days will really help make the total 10 day transformation go smoothly.  One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is “What is it going to be like?”.  Now that is kind of a loaded questions because everyone I know has had a different experience in the beginning, middle and end of their cleanse.

The following will give you and idea of some of the most common occurrences and feedback that I have heard and experienced during the 10 day transformation. (Note: the following is by no means intended to be inclusive and/or serve as medical advise.  It is always best to consult a physician with any abnormal heath concerns.)

The Rollercoaster

It is really interesting to hear comments from people before the cleanse, at the beginning, middle and then end of their cleanse.  Purium has put out what they term is ‘The Transformation Rollercoaster’ to describe some of the stages you go through during these 10 days.


Although there is no set time these emotional stages occur, you can almost guarantee you will go through each one.  Having said that, what will help make it through the beginning ones easier is a better understanding of  them and knowing what stage comes next.

The First 3 Days

Two of the most common challenging health responses that people have shared are headaches and slight headachenausea. Think about it for a moment. You are embarking on a program that is intended to reset your metabolism, break your addiction to processed foods and cleanse your body.  Of course there will be health responses, or physical reactions as a result of this dramatic change.  In almost every case I have seen, including myself the majority of the feedback is the most challenging health responses come in the first three days.  After those first three days, the majority of people have expressed that is when they ‘felt better’ or ‘noticed a change’. PreShould I staypping before hand could help decrease the severity of these first two health responses.  If you make a point of gradually cutting out caffeine, sugar and carbs from your diet early, once you start the cleanse it won’t be as much of a shock to your body.  The first 4 stages typically occur during this time after which you are at that defining moment in your cleanse. This is where The Clashes song ‘Should I stay or should I go’ plays over and over in your mind.

The Gradual Climb

Once you realize you are at that defining moment if you can adopt the position, ‘its only better from here’, ykeep-calm-it-gets-better-1ou will notice the remaining time on your cleanse will be much more enjoyable.  This will be a gradual shift… assuming you stick with it and give it time.  I took the stance of ‘I can get to the end of the day’.  That transitioned into ‘this isn’t so bad’ which then pulled me up to my half-way point where I weighed myself and was shocked at my results.  Elation was then followed by inspiration and a renewed focus on reaching the finish line.

finish strong

Finish Strong

As you get to the end of you of your cleanse you may have some of those initial doubts creep back in, but remember to give yourself a break.  Look what you have done so far!! Remember it is only 10 days and at that point it may only be a day or two left.

Good luck and hope you have a life changing 10 days like I did.

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